Education & Training Pathway

Course Description

In addition to being knowledgeable in their subject, teachers and trainers must have the ability to communicate, inspire trust and confidence, motivate learners, as well as understand their educational and emotional needs. Teachers must be able to recognize and respond to individual differences in diverse learners and employ different teaching/training methods that will result in higher learner achievement.

Pathway Classes

Child and Human Development

Focus: Early Childhood Development. The student will study the developing child from  conception to age three, emphasizing the physical, emotional, intellectual and social  developmental stages, parenting responsibilities, relationships, prenatal care, and discipline.  Throughout this course students will continually practice math, science, English, history, and  writing skills. This course has a strong science base, focusing on the most current research.  This course is designed to help students in their common core classes as well as prepare them  for life after high school. This is a yearlong course.

Teacher Academy

This course introduces the principles underlying teaching and learning, the responsibilities and  duties of teachers, and the techniques of imparting knowledge and information. Students will  focus on the

Educators Rising Standards 1-4:

1) Understanding the Profession
2) Learning  about Students
3) Building Content Knowledge
4) Engaging in Responsive Planning

Teacher Academy courses are often accompanied by opportunities to observe and intern in  preschool, elementary and middle school classrooms.

Teaching & Practicum

Course work experience is gained within the public school sector. Although goals may be set  cooperatively by the student, teacher, and employer, classroom attendance or experience is not  an integral part of the Teaching and Practicum -OJT experience.

Dual Credit: Introduction to Teaching and Practicum

A dual credit offering where work experience is gained within the public school sector.