Salary and Benefits
View the year-round workday calendar for all APS job types for the 2024-2025 school year.
View the salary ranges for APS job types. Please keep in mind that salary schedules are negotiated each contract year, and the posted salary schedules apply only to the current contract year.
Payroll Calendars
Benefits Frequently Asked Questions (FAQS)
How do I sign up for benefits for my dependents or myself?
You may sign up for benefits if you meet the following conditions:
You opt-in during Open/Switch Enrollment in the Fall
You have 31 days from your date of hire to apply to enroll yourself and eligible dependents.
You also have 31 days from a qualifying event to apply to enroll yourself or eligible dependents.
What Constitutes a "Qualifying Event"?
The following conditions are considered "Qualifying Events":
Adoption of a child or child placement order in anticipation of adoption.
Incapacity of a child while covered under the NMPSIA Group Plan.
Legal guardianship of a child.
Promotion to a new job classification with a salary increase.
Employment status (Ex: change from a part-time to a full-time position with a salary increase).
Divorce, annulment, or termination of domestic partnership (not a legal separation).
A spouse or any enrolled children cannot be canceled when a divorce is in progress.
Immediate cancellation of an ex-spouse and ineligible children are required by the last day of the month the divorce/partnership becomes final.
Involuntary loss of group or individual coverage through no fault of the person having the group or individual insurance coverage.
This may include an involuntary loss of medical, dental, vision, or life insurance due to:Reduction in hours worked.
Resignation, termination, or retirement from employment
Divorce, annulment
No longer meet eligibility requirements for insurance
Exhaustion of COBRA
Be Advised: Voluntary canceling other coverage or non-compliance to maintain other coverage is not considered a qualifying event.
Verifiable proof of involuntary loss is required to be provided to your employer’s benefits office. A loss of coverage letter MUST contain the following information:
Name and contact information of employer and/or entity who maintained the insurance coverage lost
Who lost coverage?
What type of coverage was lost?
What date coverage ended?
A change of status due to any qualifying event MUST be reported by completing, signing, and turning in the NMPSIA Employee Change Card and all supporting documentation in Frontline Central (My Forms > Forms I Can Start) within 31 days from the qualifying event, change of basic information or Special Enrollment event. Remember to attach all supporting documentation to the Change Card for all events.
For further information on NMPSIA benefits and rules, visit