Welding Pathway

Course Description

In these courses students will learn general, tool, and shop safety. As well as the different welding processes and metal fabrication procedures. Students will be under the supervision of the instructor and will work in the shop learning real world trade skills that can be applied in a future career in welding.

Welding I

This introductory class will teach safety and industry standards and all the workings of basic  welding. This includes but is not limited to: safety course, basics of OxyFuel cutting, SMAW  (Arc Welding) process, and the GMAW (MIG Welding) process. Students must provide their own long denim pants, and leather boots/shoes. Students are not required but may provide  their own safety equipment required under OSHA safety standards, including, safety glasses  Z87(clear), long-sleeved cotton work shirt, leather welding gloves, and a welding helmet with  a #10 shaded lens. Not available as an online course.

Welding II

This intermediate class will concentrate on Metal Art, Industry Welding, and Trailer Building  and Manufacturing. The course will follow the guidelines of the American Welding Society  (AWS). BluePrint Reading. Students must provide their own long denim pants, and leather  boots/shoes. Students are not required but may provide their own safety equipment required  under OSHA safety standards, including, safety glasses Z87(clear), long-sleeved cotton work  shirt, leather welding gloves, and a welding helmet with a #10 shaded lens. Not available as an  online course. 

Welding III

This advanced class will concentrate on Metal Art, Industry Welding, and Trailer Building and  Manufacturing. The course will follow the guidelines of the American Welding Society  (AWS). BluePrint Reading. Students must provide their own long denim pants, and leather  boots/shoes. Students are not required but may provide their own safety equipment required  under OSHA safety standards, including, safety glasses Z87(clear), long-sleeved cotton work  shirt, leather welding gloves, and a welding helmet with a #10 shaded lens. Not available as an  online course.

Welding IV

This advanced class will concentrate on Metal Art, Industrial Welding, and Manufacturing and  Repair. The course will follow the guidelines of the American Welding Society (AWS).  Students must provide their own long denim pants, and leather boots/shoes. Students are not  required but may provide their own safety equipment required under OSHA safety standards,  including, safety glasses Z87(clear), long-sleeved cotton work shirt, leather welding gloves,  and a welding helmet with a #10 shaded lens. Not available as an online course.

Precision Metalwork (Co Op)

Typically used with advanced dual credit topics.

Virtual Welding Kits

Our CTE program recently received 6 new Virtual Welding kits! These kits will be used in beginning welding courses, allowing students to practice and learn basic welding skills. Kits will also be introduced to middle school students to excite them about the program. 🧰

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